Register for Financial Training Center's Zoom Group Class

Money, Knowledge and Power Why You Are Missing All Three
Register for Financial Training Center's Zoom Group Class
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Financial Training Center's Private Zoom Sessions

Financial Training Center's Group Zoom Session

            Give a man a fish; he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life. The Financial Training Center will figuratively teach you to fish in the stock market for gains. Educate yourself for your future. The sooner you learn, the better off you will be. The toughest part is to get started. Download and read the book "Money Knowledge and Power Why You Are Missing All Three" to determine what you should be doing to achieve your goals. It's all about you and your finances. You will be surprised at what you did not know and how easy it is to make money and to stop wasting it! Money and security are within your grasp, all you need to do is reach for them!

            Educate yourself on the processes that will make your life richer. Stop falling into the traps that are laid out by society which are designed to keep you uninformed and broke. Learn how to create and manage your own retirement fund.

People Don't Plan To Fail, They Fail To Plan



Members Only Support Board

Join the "Members Only" Section of our Support Board where you can get helpful information from our counselors. Transform your future.

$20 for 3 Months

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Interested in a Weekly Zoom Class

Contact us and if there is enough interest, we will resume our free Sunday 12 noon classes (GMT-10). You should start by reading our book to help get started.

Contact Us Today!


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Private Zoom

Financial Class

A dedicated class (one on one) with one of our couselors to help you get your finances and investments in order.

Sessions: ($35 each normally $50)

Saturdays:      5:00pm, 7:00pm

Sundays:        1:00pm, 2:00pm

Purchase Private Class

Group Zoom

Financial Class

A group class (many members) with one of our couselors to help you get your finances and investments in order.

Sessions: ($20 each normally $35)

Saturdays:      6:00pm, 8:00pm

Sundays:        11:00am, 1:00pm

Purchase Group Class

Transform Your Future
